
Friday, December 16, 2011

Love Letter

I took some time off from the Christmas crafts to do a layout in my art journal. This month's theme was to use stuff we bought at Junk Bonanza.

I turned the page in my book and saw the text about the woman in a canoe, and knew I had a postcard that would be perfect. After looking in four places, I finally found it! Now to build a layout around it.

I used old wallpaper (purchased at Junk Bonanza) as the background, and then layered on more papers and trims until I was happy. Now for a theme. I wanted an engagement story, but how to tell it? I searched online for images of old love letters, but wasn't happy with what I found. So, I took some old paper and wrote my own. Oh how I wish I had an old fountain pen and ink!

I distressed my letter and added it to the page. I also added a scrap of tulle and small flower (from a hat I purchased at Junk Bonanza) - hints of the pending wedding day.

I further embellished with a scrap from an old calendar and a clock image.


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