
Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Time Is Here

It has been so long since I posted on my blog! We have been very busy remodeling and redecorating our new house. I haven't had a lot of time for crafting, but I have been working on a few little Christmas projects that I hope to share this month.

I've been working on my Christmas cards, and I always love using vintage images on the cards. Here are a few vintage Christmas images that you can use in your projects.

I hope you're enjoying this festive season!


  1. Hey Erica,
    Got your card in the mail, it was so fun to open the mailbox and find a card from you! I don't know how you do it, I am still guilty for not sending out cards last year, so I am determined to get it done this year, but it is looking worse and worse with each passing day. Dang. But I have loads of cookies on my kitchen counter!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I need some pics of all the work you are doing to that new home of yours! What are you guys working on now?

  2. Erica -- You will need to add the Follower gadget to your blog sidebar for the GYB party -- people need that so they can sign up to follow you!



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